Whether you’re moving homes or transporting supplies from one job site to another, you’ll need a utility trailer to help you get the job done. These trailers provide safe and efficient transportation to move supplies, materials, and equipment. However, before you hit the road, you need to know how to safely tow your utility trailer. Keep reading to find out how to safely tow your trailer on the road.

Correctly Set Up Your Trailer

Before you depart for your destination, make sure that your towing situation is ready for the trip. You will need:

  • A utility trailer that can handle the payload you intend to transport
  • A tow vehicle that can haul the combined weight of your trailer and the cargo in it
  • A sturdy and well-fitting hitch that can handle the weight of your utility trailer
  • Towing chains to keep your trailer attached even if the hitch fails
  • Functional lights and a braking system

Make sure that your trailer is set up to be towed before you begin the hitching process.

Hitch the Trailer Correctly

Once you’ve correctly hitched your trailer to your tow vehicle, double-check all the connections and anchor your safety chains to the corners of the rear bumper. Don’t forget to cross them under the tongue of the hitch to make the attachment even more secure. Before you hit the road, test your brakes and signals, and make sure they are in good working condition.

If your utility trailer is too tall, install side-view mirror extensions. They will provide you with a clearer view of the traffic conditions around and behind you, which will be necessary as you won’t be able to rely on your rearview mirror at all. Also, when in doubt, refer to the owner’s manual to know how to safely proceed.

Drive Safely

When you’re towing a fully loaded utility trailer on the road, you need to be extra careful and observant. Follow proper safety practices, such as increasing your following distance while you’re on the highway, sticking close to the posted speed limit, and braking as far in advance as possible. You need to be vigilant of the road conditions ahead of you and watch for unsafe and reckless drivers around you. Additionally, you must be ready to react if an obstacle or animal suddenly appears in front of you.

Ready to find the perfect trailer for your next move or off-site job? Then visit the team at Friday's Trailer Sales in Texarkana, Texas. We proudly serve those in Atlanta, Texas and Hope, Arkansas, as well as all surrounding areas.