If you have to haul big and heavy cargo from one place to the next, your car or pickup might not be up to the task. Having a trailer can come in very handy when you need to transport something bigger, whether it’s equipment or animals. There are many different types of cargo trailers that suit different purposes.

If you’re unsure about the kind of trailer you need, read on for a few helpful tips from us at Friday’s Trailer Sales. We have a wide selection of new and used trailers for sale, so drop by our location in Texarkana, TX,  to take a tour of our inventory. We welcome all our patrons from Atlanta, TX, and Hope, AR. 

What’s Your Cargo?

The first step in deciding which trailer to buy is to know what you’ll be hauling. There are items that need just a platform to be tied to before being hauled off. Other cargo goods will need an enclosed cargo trailer that’ll keep them safe from the elements. The type of cargo you’ll be towing will also decide the size of the cargo trailer. To transport smaller vehicles like quads or heavy equipment that’s very hard to steal, a small open cargo trailer will be good enough. For bigger items like cars and boats, you need a big trailer with tie-downs to keep your expensive cargo in place. 

If you want to transport livestock, you can get an enclosed cargo trailer that has stalls and space for tack and feed. You can also get temperature controls installed for sensitive cargo that needs to be kept at a temperature different from the one outside the trailer. For transporting large payloads of loose materials (like gravel, compost or dirt), you can get a dump trailer. There are equipment trailers for those who need to securely haul big machines. 

How Much Distance Will You Cover?

Another key thing to keep in mind before you select a cargo trailer, is the distance you’ll be traveling. If you’re hauling gear around town, you don’t really need anything very heavy-duty or any add-ons. However, if you’re going to be traveling across the country, you’ll need a sturdy trailer that can handle the long haul. If you’re going to be making frequent stops along the way, you’ll need something more secure than an open cargo trailer. You can also invest in upgrades like lights, stabilizers, spare tires and stronger latches to make your trips easier on the operator. 

What Can You Afford To Spend?

Have a thorough look at your finances so you can figure out how much you want to spend on a cargo trailer. Don’t buy more trailer than you need; it isn’t cost effective in the long run. One way to save some money is to choose smaller and shorter trailers that have better fuel economy. A large trailer that’s not aerodynamic has a lot of drag, which increases the fuel consumption—meaning you’ll be spending more on fuel and making more fuel stops. 

Another good way to save some cash is to look at pre-owned cargo trailers. Buying used can save you hundreds of dollars and still let you get a great trailer in good condition that’ll last you for years. You should also consider whether you’ll need to pay for storage for your trailer or if you have a place to keep it already, as a rented storage place will increase your costs. Don’t pay for accessories or options you don’t need, but don’t skimp on quality just to save money, since a trailer breakdown could be costly later on.

Want to check out quality cargo trailers in person? Head to Friday’s Trailer Sales and talk to one of our experienced staff members about what you need. We’re located in Texarkana, TX, and proudly serve the people of Hope, AR, and Atlanta, TX.